Monday, September 10, 2018

If We Don't Fight, We Can't Win. And we CAN win!

The NRA is taking the fight against I-1639 into high gear now (link). Yesterday, I spent a few hours at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup handing out information about this madly overreaching initiative. The Democratic party's booth had a life size Barry Obama cutout, which offered whimsical selfie opportunities. 

Working the booth offered some great opportunities for interacting with other gun owners, some of whom weren't aware of all the awful parts of this law: classifying all semiautomatic rifles as "assault weapons", 10 day waiting period for purchase (even with CPL), lifetime surrender of HIPAA protections to the state, vague storage requirements which will make gun owners criminals if their home is burglarized.

While most visitors left fired up to vote this initiative into oblivion, the response of one baffled me. He said that he just doesn't believe in voting anymore and refused to consider even the limited step of registering to vote against this initiative. Even odder, this middle aged guy was wearing a t-shirt with the Star of David on it: if there's one group of people who can articulate what "Never Again" really comes down to, it's the population of Israel who have grown up in the company of Holocaust survivors.

Make no mistake: if a good percentage of gun owners show up and vote, we can beat this awful initiative down even harder than we beat I-676 21 years ago. If we don't even try, if the voting percentage is as lame as it was in the August primaries, the corrupt Olympia government can mount a very serious and devastating attack on what is now a very healthy and safety-oriented gun culture.

The choice is up to you. PLEASE make sure you are registered to vote right away and commit to getting your friends out to vote too. We can beat this initiative decisively but if we don't even bother fighting it, we can't win.

Why would people without the guts to fight a political fight even own guns anyway?

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