Friday, December 27, 2019

Virginia is fighting for their rights...and ours!

If you are a member of the shooting community, you are probably aware that there has been an escalating series of threats by their governor and other members of state government against the gun community and those who support them.

Immediately after Bloomberg bankrolled Democrats seized a thin majority in the legislature last November, Northam began bloviating about the gun control agenda that would be his focus for this term: private sale bans, firearm bans, magazine bans, additional purchase limitations.

In response, counties and cities began enacting 2A sanctuary ordinances. One sheriff even proposed deputizing large number of his constituents.

Rather than deescalate, Northam and his fellow Democrats floated a variety of ever more extreme proposals: withholding pay or firing law enforcement who will not enforce these very unpopular laws...calling out the National Guard...mass incarcerations.

It is more clear than ever now that gun owners in Virginia are now facing the fight of our lives...and that whatever gun banners succeed in passing and enforcing there will be pushed in the rest of country. This means, we cannot afford to lose. And therefore, Virginia is fighting for ALL of us.

So let's do what we can to help Virginia. Some exchanges with the Virginia Citizens Defense League suggest these priorities:

  • Join VCDL to boost their numbers...and clout (link)
  • Send what contribution you can afford to their general organization (i.e., not earmarked for VCDL PAC)
  • Write to the Virginia Tourism Corporation (link) and/or companies via Better Business Bureau (link) and let them know you will NOT spend your tourist dollars in anti-gun states!
Remember....anything you let them do to Virginia, they will try to do to you!

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