Friday, September 7, 2018

After Parkland: Why Nothing Changes After A Shooting Event

People wonder why steps aren't taken to improve public safety after a public shooting?
It's been nearly 7 months since the Parkland shooting. What has happened?
We found that the armed Parkland deputy specifically who was on site to keep students safe from such an event simply ran away.
We found that several other Parkland deputies stayed under cover outside while the murders continued.
We found that the killer had been investigated by the Parkland sheriff for around 40 incidents implying dangerous mental derangement and threats to others. The FBI was informed twice that he wanted to be a school shooter. He was not disarmed or taken in for psych evaluation.
Who does the Parkland sheriff blame in a CNN town hall hatefest? Dana Loesch and the NRA. People like me. The focus becomes not public safety but banning the most popular rifle in America.
Continuing through the year, a few Parkland students are lauded by the media non-stop and flown around the country to promote gun bans. Parkland survivors and parents of killed students who are less interested in gun control and more interest in a comprehensive safety approach are ignored. Even when when one student, Kyle Kashuv, helps get a comprehensive safety bill including expanded background checks passed.
How is the insanity of the blame dodging sheriff still being employed and the exclusive focus on preventing sane people from getting guns not blatantly obvious?
Is this really a pattern you want to continue repeating?

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