Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I am a libertarian.

I am a libertarian.

People talk about libertarians as if they are selfish, borderline antisocial members of the community. From my perspective, we're not. To me it seems to me that it's other political parties that are selfish, muddled, incoherent. Not examining the implications of their party platforms and actions.

Democrats claim to be pro-choice (at least 1 choice), claim to want unity and freedom. But they don't if you're a gun geek or religious or own property. (On that last point, you know that the DAPL pipeline wouldn't have been forced down peoples throats without eminent domain laws, right?)

Republicans claim to want small government but try to be the morals police, worrying about which consenting adults sleep together.

Both those parties criminalize things they shouldn't, attack countries they shouldn't and are awful on basic civil liberties. Both are essentially for unlimited government which can do whatever it chooses and only complain when it chooses to hinder them.

I'm a straight white guy with a quiet lifestyle and it would be *much* easier for me to be Republican and just protect my rights. But I'm a libertarian instead so I can *also* support the few positive rights Democrats also claim to value, even if they mostly don't.

I'm a libertarian but after this horror show of an election maybe I'll be an anarchist.

Don't try to control me and we'll get along fine. But if you do, we'll have a serious problem. And you will lose.

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