#1 President Trump's bumpstock ban
#2 Lindsey Graham's current gun hearings
I don't know anyone who owns a bumpstock. Everyone I've talked to has smirked and commented that they are a dumb gimmick which some people buy, use a couple times and then add to the clutter of old gun accessories in their closet.But those same people have some very serious concerns about the way in which bumpstocks were banned. Essentially, the BATFE twisted the definition of machine guns to cover an accessory which does not even remotely meet that definition. Machine guns are defined under law as firearms which fire more than one shot per action of the trigger. Bumpstocks do not do that, they only facilitate pulling the trigger faster.
Here's the danger: fudging a technical definition like that sets a dangerous precedent which can now be used to ban anything they want that arguably makes a semiautomatic firearm shoot faster. Stretched far, that could even conceivably include light match triggers used in competition.
Even worse, the new law does not merely ban sales and grandfather bumpstocks that are already owned by the public. It is now a criminal act to own one. The BATFE has been kept on a short leash since for over 20 years, partly because of their rogue and heavy-handed enforcement policies. Remember Waco? There had better not be any Wacos in my area over something as stupid as bumpstocks...
For a really excellent take on this, please listen to Kenn Blanchard's recent podcast Black Man With A Gun (link) on the topic.
Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham's star has been rising since last Fall, when he showed some real backbone during the Kavanaugh trial.
However, last week he conducted some gun control hearings on the subject of red flag gun confiscation laws. These laws have been becoming more popular since last year's Parkland school shooting. However, they mostly been enacted in very flawed forms. Here are some components which we need to demand be included in any red flag law remotely worth considering:
- a strong, iron clad due process requirement
- requirement that the subject of the action obtain treatment
- severe punishment for people who make false claims to weaponize these laws against someone who is not really a danger to others (e.g., malicious family members or a vindictive ex)
The Republican party needs to be aware of these things and how they can undercut gun owners' support. We need to be unified in the run-up to 2020. Foolishly attacking part of our base like the party sometimes does can only hurt that prospect.
(And as a staunch supporter of the NRA, they need to help get this message across to the President and the GOP. They are presently doing a poor job of this.)