Sunday, January 29, 2017

If you're going to call yourself The Resistance

If you're going to call yourself The Resistance, I expect you to join me:
  • Oppose ALL government overreach, including the party you support
  • Hold both major parties to a higher standard and don't freak out about the other party doing things your own party has done...shut down bad actions by BOTH 
  • Oppose all infringements on the Bill of Rights (all 10 amendments including the Second)
  • Oppose all denial of civil liberties without due process based on actual crimes committed
  • Realize that different things are important to different people and don't attack other peoples' rights and then expect your rights to be safe
  • Trust that most of your fellow citizens are good people and don't jump to conclusions involving bigotry
  • Our public life and society are not a reality TV show. Stop treating it with that level of shallow idiocy.