The sports in question are trap, skeet and sporting clays...shotgun sports.
What are the characteristics of shotgun sports?
1) An effete, perhaps even dainty golfing mentality
2) Reaction without thinking
3) Firing in the vague direction of the target without stopping to aim
4) Sending large quantities of lead promiscuously downrange in the vague hope that some of them will come close to and perhaps hit their target, rather than attempting to get a single projectile to fly right and strike the target
All of these are attributes of our representatives in Congress in general and are 'qualities' which Democrats arguably possess to a greater degree. I would be much more impressed to see these representatives excelling at the firing line at Camp Perry's rifle match or in a combat pistol league, sports which place more of a premium on concentration, accuracy and coolness under pressure. I would go so far as to say that the day that I see Democrats who can handle a 1911 or AR-15 safely and well is the day that I might rejoin the party.
N.B. None of the above is to be taken as a case of sour grapes because this editorial comment was written by the worst shotgun shot in Pacific Northwest (perhaps even the entire USA).