OK, so a stalkers decided: I'm going to stalk Bertha Konopski at 867-5309. They enter that into their StalkerApp (TM) and it claims to be watching the stalkee.
But what it really does is contact the stalkee with email and tell them they can determine their stalker's fate by going to a web site. They get there and can choose these buttons:
- report stalker to the police immediately
- lead stalker to step in front of a freight train
- lead stalker to an isolated spot where stalkee can "mod" them wih a scoped rifle
So say the stalkee wants the stalker to be crunched by a train. The geosearch software tells stalker that the stalkee is walking alone in an isolated location and purports to lead him to her. instead, it leads him onto a hazardous railroad crossing and plays loud sounds to mask the approach of an approaching train.
** CRUNCH ***

The software's main server then monitors news sites and reports back to the stalkee when her stalker has been terminated.
A friendly popup then notes that the software's author is a starving software developer who cannot afford to visit Starbucks often enough (hint hint). Is this functional (and evil) enough? Or does the software need more design?